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jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015


Hey guys!

 I'm Maria Cardona, I'm from Barcelona and I'm 13. Each week, specialy on Thusdays I'm going to show you some of the most amzing places where I've been, mostly from Austrlia. I've chosen this topic, because I really enjoyed my trip to that incredible big island, and I would like to be able to show other people some of the most awsome places in the whole world.

Australia, is a big country, which in fact is the largest island in the world. It has a population of 23,13 milions of people. This big island is between two big oceans: the Indian ocean at the west, and the Pacific ocean at the east. Australia is in Oceania, which is formed mainly by Australia, New Zeland, and more pretty little islands. The official lenguage is english, and is spoken by the most part of the population.
By and until next week;)

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