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jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015


Hey guys, summer is coming, but so do hollidays, and it's time to start preparing our vacations. Today I'm gonna show you two of the most beautiful places in Australia. Those two, aren't as the ones I have talked in other occasions, they are touristic, but in a different way. The Twelve apostles and Uluru, are natural monuments, famous for it's natural beauty famous in the whole world.

The Twelve apostles are a group of limestone rocks, that come out of the sea. They are located in the state of Victoria, in Port Campbell National Park. Originally, they were part of a limestone cliff, but the waves ocassioned by the sea, wore the cliff, until only nine stones ( the Twelve apostles) were left. As you have just read there are only 9 stones, because the 3 missing have been destroyed by the waves in the last 10 years.

This second photo, was taken just an hour left one stone got destroyed a few years ago. 

The second place were I would go if I were in Australia, Would be Uluru, or more popular known as Ayers Rock. This massive rock it's located in the Northen territori of Australi and the nearest town, is Alice Springs, which is 400 Km far. It's 349 m high, and it is know as the worlds belly button.
Uluru, was where in old times, aborigens lived, and nowdays there are peolpe, mainly aborigens who live there. 
A curious fact about aborigens and Ayers rock is that if you have a look at the aborigens flag, tou can see a red stripe and a black one, and in the middle a yellow semicircle. The red stripe represents the floor, the black stripe the sunset, and the yellow semicircle represets Urulu.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Hey guys! I'm Maria, and this is my own blog on blogger. Today I'm gonna show you one of the most crowded cities in Australia. This city is called Melbourne, and it's the biggest city in Australia. It is the capital of the state of Victoria, named by one of the British Queen's name. It has been the capital of Austalia for 26 years (1901-1927), and in 2011, it was chosen as the best city to live in in the whole world. Melbourne has its own flag:

There is a river which goes through Melbourne, so the peope takes ferrys to go from one side to the other one, just like in Seattle.

The city of melbourne hass too many atractives, but the place in Melbourne i liked the most, is Chinatown. Chinatown its located within the center, and the east of the city. There are plenty different restaurants in the area, but the best thing of Chinatown is the Asian food festival, which is held normally in Sping. In this peculiar festival,there are cooking demostrations, food stalls... Furthermore, there are a lot of shops, and my favourite one it is in a shopping centre located in the middle of Chinatown: Victoria's secret.

I also went to another place, where at the begining, I wasn't really happy to go, but in the end, i liked it. This place is Queen Victoria Market, which was built by the British empire. Queen Victoria Market, is one of the biggest open air markets. Currently, the Market is a big attraction for tourists, and the market sells all kinds of fruits and vegetables, meat poultry and seeafood, and delicatessen food. There is a non-food related market, where clothers, shoes and jewellery are sold.

If you want to see more places to go and things to do, you can have a look at this page: http://www.thatsmelbourne.com.au/Placestogo/Pages/placestogo.aspx